Thursday, February 27, 2014

Healing from Old Wounds and 4ever Letting Go

So it’s over a year since my last post and a lot has happened since then. I’ll do my best to catch you up.

Here’s a recap…. Remember that my ex and I just ended our four year relationship which I was extremely heartbroken.  To add insult to injury, he called me three months after our official breakup to proclaim that “[He] was the best thing that has ever happen to me and I would never find anyone better than him”.

Well, a month after my birthday (May 2013) I found out that shortly after we went our separate ways he started dating another girl. When I mean shortly, I mean 3 weeks later. This new girl is the same girl he cheated with me on and the same girl that went well out of her way to see the demise of our relationship. At the same time, his family tried to mediate our breakup and bring us back together but by then so many lines had been crossed and trust out the door that I couldn't bring myself to re-enter a relationship that caused so much heartbreak.

For a while, I cried at least once every day and lost a major amount of weight. I didn't think myself worthy of anyone and I felt an extreme amount of guilt and shame. I felt guilty because I gave my heart, love, and affection to someone that didn't love me enough to mourn a relationship that meant a whole lot to me. I jeopardized my relationship with family and agreed to participate in things that I was not mentally or emotionally ready for, all in the name of love. I felt ashamed because I revealed way too much about my life to a man that didn't deserve it. In addition, I was hysteric that I suffered countless breakdowns in front of my family, friends, and his friends. So I guess the question on your mind now is how did I recover and what I’m I up too now. Stay tune, there is a part TWO.

Stay Blessed


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