Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Brokeen Heart Relapse

So the ex called to check up on me. I was thrilled to hear his voice but when he showed a lack of remorse for the events that occurred last year resulting in our breakup, my heart sunk again. I miss him a lot but I'm flabbergasted as to how he never takes responsibility. Ever since I've been a mess. I have no one to really confide in and my mom told me a few days ago that me and this boy cannot be together in this generation. In other words, we can never be together. There seems to be someone else interested in me but my heart is still with this guy. I'm wondering how much longer do I have to endure such pain and when do I finally get to forget and move on? Anyways, I think Toni Braxton described my feelings quite clearly.

Booty Booty Booty Rocking Everywhere

So summer time is slowly approaching and that means the shorts come out and the tight clothes appear. I usually dread this aspect of summer because I don't have much assets to show off but I have recently heard about a Squat Challenge. So the challenge consists of doing a 100 squats 30 days but each successive day you'll add an extra 5 squats to make your butt a nice firm round shape. Unfortunately, I'm pretty lazy and find it hard to keep dedicated to things of this nature. I'll try it and keep you posted. Below is a link for the challenge I found:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emjoi Emagine: The Ultimate Tweezer

Finally got the chance to do a review on the Emjoi Emagine. I purchased my Emjoi online and it costs me around 80- 90 dollars with delivery. The Emagine has 72 tweezers and its electrical. I have used it twice and although the noise is scary the tweezer is great for underarm usage. It hurts when you start using it but when there is little to no hair the tweezers can't pull on anything therefore no pain is felt. I hope this tool will help in the lightening of my underarm. I'll post any updates as they happen.

Diary of A Broken-heart

Dear Diary,

So I'm approaching my 3 months being officially single and free and its been the most difficult thing in the world. I was with this person for three years and even though we had our ups and downs I thought he was going to marry me. I feel hurt and betrayed and I keep reminding myself that God has something better in store but its hard to forget him and let go. I would appreciate any feedback on how to heal my broken-heart.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

DIY: Deodorant/ Antiperspirant

This year I really want to improve my health. I want to eat better, exercise more, and improve my appearance. One problem that I have is that my underarms are significantly more darker than my skin tone. Since I am a fair skinned person it is pretty noticeable. I have been doing some research and apparently deodorant and antiperspirant contain aluminum which is partially responsible for the darkening of skin in the underarm area. So I took the initiative and I made my own deodorant or antiperspirant. 

Making your own deodorant and antiperspirant is pretty simple, fairly easy and hopefully it will save me money in the future. Here are the ingredients that I used:

  1. Baking Soda
  2. Corn Starch
  3. Coconut Oil
  4. Lemon
  5. Water
Baking soda is pretty cheap and you can buy it at any grocery store, dollar store, and pharmacy store. I believe my grocery store sells them for CAD1.99 but I bought my baking soda several years ago. You can buy corn starch from the grocery store but I did not need to buy corn starch because I had some at home ( I use corn starch to cook). However, I did need to buy Coconut oil which was surprisingly expensive; costing me CAD19.99 and CAD22.49 with tax. On the other hand, coconut oil can be used to cook, and is great for your skin and hair.


  1. Grab a bowl and pour about 1/4 cup of baking soda.
  2.  Grab a bowl and pour about 1/4 cup of cornstarch.
  3. Grab a fork and mix the baking soda and cornstarch.
  4. Grab a spoon and scoop 5 tablespoons of coconut oil and place in the bowl containing baking soda and starch.
  5. Grab a fork and mix the baking soda, cornstarch, and coconut oil. Your mixture may me clump and hard to mix.
  6. I would squeeze 1/2 of a lemon into the bowl and continue mixing (this step is optional but I did it because I know lemon helps in lightening the skin). Eventually the consistency in the bowl will change into a creamy substance. Once your satisfied with the consistency, pour the contents into a bowl and use.
I do not store my deodorant in the fridge but the decision is up to you. You can also add vitamin E to preserve the life of the deodorant but that step is an optional step.

Try it out and let me know how it turned out.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Folica is my one stop shop for all my hair products - their selection is huge! They have frequent sales, e-mail promotions, and customer reviews on all the products to help you shop. You should definitely check them out! http://folica.tellapal.com/a/clk/3gtl7d

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Meet the Second Generation Wayans

Just finish watching the new show, "Second Generation Wayans". Since I did not watch the first episode, I had to do some catching up. In summary, Craig and Damien Dante Wayans team up with George Gore (actor from My wife and Kids) and Tatyana Ali in a scripted sitcom about two brothers trying to pave their own paths to success without the help of their famous relatives, Keenen Ivory, Damon, Kim, Shawn and Marlon (the people responsible for White Chicks, My Wife and Kids, In Living Colour, Scary Movie, etc.)

Although the Wayan clan has been extremely successfully in the past, I feel that this show does not match the quality and standards that I am used to seeing from this family. I thought that the script was weak, the storyline was boring, and I didn't get the comedy. Overall, I was disappointed but I am going to stick with the show for a few more weeks before completely abandoning it. So if your bored and looking for something to watch check out Second Generation Wayans and let me know what you think.

I created this blog because I have a lot I want to show but I am to shy to get in front of a camera and make a youtube video. I hope this blog will give me an opportunity to express myself, get comfortable, and gain some confidence.